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So wasn't there going to be news in winter?

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It's January 2017

I mean didn't they say they would do something in the winter last year over 2016?

Nomura already went back on 'KH3 announcements this winter' when he said no news on KH3 until after 2.8


Winter is December all the way until March.


No they never said they'd do anything, like I said he took the statement back.

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They already gave us news though.at paris games week they showed us soras new drive forms. I was happy with that news for winter, because i know they will show a lenghty trailer at e3.

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He said there'd be KH3 news after 2.8 is released, so at the very least it would be after it's released in Japan a week from now on Jan. 14th, but even then they could still wait until we receive it on Jan. 26th, and EVEN THEN it might not happen until next month when Unchained X starts getting all the new content and such. Point is, no one made any promises that new news would be coming out the moment 2017 started.

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I don't know why but I'm not interested in any KH3 trailers.. Just give us the release date :D

Would like to experience everything within my first playthrough.. but if SE releases trailers I will definitely watch them.. :D

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Well if you only count Winter as December then I have some bad news for you, that's not the case. Winter lasts until about March. I don't believe he took any statement back. Winter falls under the category of "after 2.8" so just let that sit with you for a while lol.

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Well, you know, winter is a season, not a month. lol


I don't know why people consistently jump to "December" automatically when something says "winter." Sure, it's a landmark of winter but it does not, by any means, encompass it at all.


Nomura has said countless times we'll get news after 2.8, so as Square says, please be patient.

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As far as I'm concerned, Nomura never announced a month for the reveal of Kingdom Hearts III news, he just stated that upcoming announcements would come this Winter. And well, it still is Winter, and it will be till March, so we've got plenty of time that still falls within the Winter season for Nomura to surprise us with the KHIII developments he wants to show us!  I'm hoping that at least a week or two after 2.8 releases, we get the news we've been waiting for! X_X

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