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Indeed, we are still open. Just giving some people sometime to get stuff together, this being a pretty busy time.

Empty Vanitas accepted.

I'll go and post Lightning and Xion when I get home from work (if I don't play World of Warships too much xD) Really only Lightning will play a large part at first (travelling with Zion) but Xion really isn't going to come into any major play for...awhile.

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I was just watching Kingsglaive (again!) and I couldn't stop thinking "God! I love the personality and design of Chancellor Ardyn." so I decided make a sheet for him.


Name: Ardyn Izunia


Age: N/A


Gender: Male





Alignment: Light and Darkness (Not Twilight since there is no balance. That's what I think thanks to his past, present and future in the game.)


Personality: Bold, civil, calculative, polite and slightly eccentric


Bio: The Imperial Chancellor of the Niflheim Empire. This man's past is a complete mystery even to those around him, he just showed up in the Empire and gave them the means to produce Magitek infantry and gave councel to Emperor Aldercap. He was somewhat responsible for the attack on the Crown City of Insomnia and for the plan of stealing the last crystal protected by the Line of Lucis. After the Prince went to "sleep" the world of Eos fell into darkness and he ended up in the Realm Between where he learned to control the dark paths to escape into the bigger world. He has been traveling around in order to find a way to restore Eos and put an end to his fight with the Crown Prince, Noctis Lucis Caelum. The Chancellor possesses knowledge way beyond the reaches of a normal man, how he came to be in possession of such knowledge is a mystery in itself, just like the fact that he can be cryptic with the way he expresses himself. Whether the Seekers of Darkness or Guardians of Light win is not important to him, what is important is to bring back Eos and fight against the Chosen King, nothing else matters after that.


Weapons: (Not sure if I should tell what weapon he can use since it is a spoiler of the game, What do you think, Riku? Should I write about the true extent of his abilities even if it is considered spoilers? Not sure if everyone already knows about the origins of the Chancellor.)


Theme song:

Edited by Elrandir

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Weapons: (Not sure if I should tell what weapon he can use since it is a spoiler of the game, What do you think, Riku? Should I write about the true extent of his abilities even if it is considered spoilers? Not sure if everyone already knows about the origins of the Chancellor.)


I am not entirely sure as I'm still in chapter 8 of the game and I haven't seen the other media for FFXV (I know I need to, I just haven't gotten to it yet). I am going to give a preliminary green light to Ardyn and I'll PM you about him later when I get up to speed. I've been slumming around with side quests for a bit, so I should be over leveled enough to push through to what I need. Plus, I'm tired of fetch quests.

Hmm. Two FFXV characters. I'll have to consider how Stella will handle this carefully.

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I am not entirely sure as I'm still in chapter 8 of the game and I haven't seen the other media for FFXV (I know I need to, I just haven't gotten to it yet). I am going to give a preliminary green light to Ardyn and I'll PM you about him later when I get up to speed. I've been slumming around with side quests for a bit, so I should be over leveled enough to push through to what I need. Plus, I'm tired of fetch quests.

Hmm. Two FFXV characters. I'll have to consider how Stella will handle this carefully.

I'm at chapter 9 at the moment, level 58 (I'm trying to farm EXP to be over leveled too), but I watched a Let's play of the game before mine arrived, that's how I know about Ardyn.

As for how Stella will handle two dwellers of the same world, well, I was thinking that while Aranea has no idea who Stella is, besides having an uncanny resemblance to the Lady Lunafreya, Ardyn is completely different, but whether he will explain why or how he remembers is a different story, he is just a cryptic individual, even on the game. So yeah, you should focus more on how Stella will handle Ardyn rather than Aranea.


(That Chancellor became one of my favorite FF villains very quickly xD)

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I'm at chapter 9 at the moment, level 58 (I'm trying to farm EXP to be over leveled too), but I watched a Let's play of the game before mine arrived, that's how I know about Ardyn.

As for how Stella will handle two dwellers of the same world, well, I was thinking that while Aranea has no idea who Stella is, besides having an uncanny resemblance to the Lady Lunafreya, Ardyn is completely different, but whether he will explain why or how he remembers is a different story, he is just a cryptic individual, even on the game. So yeah, you should focus more on how Stella will handle Ardyn rather than Aranea.

(That Chancellor became one of my favorite FF villains very quickly xD)

Well, there is also the emotional impact of people from a world she once belonged to showing, reminding Stella what she gave up. Though I agree that Ardyn is the bigger consideration.

And I'll admit, the man has charm.

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Well, there is also the emotional impact of people from a world she once belonged to showing, reminding Stella what she gave up. Though I agree that Ardyn is the bigger consideration.

And I'll admit, the man has charm.


Agreed. Stella's emotional state around those two is something I'm looking forward to.

And he sure has! It's like having a mix of two of my vaforite villains of FF in a single character. You'll see why once you reach a certain point in the game.

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Quick announcement!

Looking at getting started in a week, though willing to push it back to after New Years if people have plans. Even when we get started, I welcome any new players and/or characters to the game.

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Quick announcement!

Looking at getting started in a week, though willing to push it back to after New Years if people have plans. Even when we get started, I welcome any new players and/or characters to the game.

Quick announcement!

Looking at getting started in a week, though willing to push it back to after New Years if people have plans. Even when we get started, I welcome any new players and/or characters to the game.

lagging behind with stuff on my end, but after new years tbh is best. Holidays over and everyone is done travelling.

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Quick announcement!

Looking at getting started in a week, though willing to push it back to after New Years if people have plans. Even when we get started, I welcome any new players and/or characters to the game.

Sorry, I keep meaning to get my character sheets up.  Getting ready for Christmas has been keeping me busy, but I will try to do this very soon.  I'm having difficulty deciding upon meaningful characters that will fit into the premise.  Don't hold off for me, though!

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Sorry, I keep meaning to get my character sheets up.  Getting ready for Christmas has been keeping me busy, but I will try to do this very soon.  I'm having difficulty deciding upon meaningful characters that will fit into the premise.  Don't hold off for me, though!

Completely understand. Christmas is way more important. I waited too long to get things started before the rush, so I'll wait for things to die down.

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Quick announcement!

Looking at getting started in a week, though willing to push it back to after New Years if people have plans. Even when we get started, I welcome any new players and/or characters to the game.


I'm fine with either choice, but I agree that after New Year would be better for everyone.

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Okay, I think I finally figured out a crew that's going to work!


Name: Skylar Von Duree
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Appearance: Fsn_Lancer_in_anime_zpsiae74hxj.jpg
Alignment: Twilight
Personality: Sarcastic, witty, and heroic.  Skylar loves being dramatic and making a climatic entrance, being a lover for attention and making his good deeds known.  At times he can be arrogant and a true pain in the rear, but he does have a tender heart and does not want people to suffer.
Bio: Skylar's existence has been a twisted one.  His parents sent him off to a boarding school when he was young, and after a few mere years of attendance his parents had died.  Not only had they died, but they were killed, and by the very weapon he was going to school to use: the Keyblade.

Disgusted, Skylar left the school, though as a young lad with no family he did not get very far.  From the kindness of their hearts a family took him in, raising him as their own child and giving him affection he'd always craved but never received from his own parents.  His father figure always seemed to go on long "business trips," which Skylar thought nothing of, until he returned with wounds and claimed it to have been an accident at the meeting.  In poking around Skylar discovered that he was a Keyblade wielder, and he fought those who threatened the world.  It was then that Skylar realized not all those who wielded the Keyblade were evil, and it was in that year that he traded his lance for the Keyblade once more.  This was particularly useful when he received a note, presenting an offer to make a difference.  Needless to say that Skylar accepted the invitation, hoping that no child, man, or woman would suffer the ways that he had.
Weapons: Highwind Keyblade (also excellent with the lance, though he doesn't possess one presently)

Theme song (optional):


Name: Clarice Blayke

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance: warrior_female9.jpg

Alignment: Light

Personality: The blonde is very put together and very heroic.  Nothing will stop her from meeting her goals, even if it means laying down her life.  Clarice favors justice over mercy, feeling the darkness and its users must pay for their actions and at times has very extreme views on that front.  She is polite, though will be highly opinionated if given the opportunity.  There is nothing particularly warm or inviting about Clarice but, rather, she gives off a rather cold vibe.

Bio: Clarice has lived in Traverse Town for as long as she can remember, her parents being avid supporters of the heroes of light in the Keyblade Wars.  It was a natural step in the right direction for Clarice to accept the invitation to the to join the other Keyblade wielders in their goals for justice.  However, she wasn't sure if she would yet agree with their motives.  Often times heroes were selected with various alignment to the elements, some supporting both light and dark.  This method was completely wrong in her eyes.  Light would be the only thing that would prevail, and she felt all forms of darkness were corrupt and such people were not to be trusted.

Clarice has grown to develop an extreme obsession of light, to the point that she may be misguided.  While she wants to work with the other Keyblade wielders, it may only be a matter of time before she branches off and does her own thing--or even betrays the very people that she considered her friends.

Weapon: Vector to the Heavens Keyblade


Theme Song (optional):

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mystics characters are so goooooood like yes all of it

Why thank you. You also have exceptional characters, as always, and I especially look forward to seeing Severa/Selena/Selvera. ;) Perhaps Skylar will have to pester her Laslow/Inigo-style!

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Looks to start on Jan. 4, this coming Wednesday. I post at a leisurely pace, so if you can't post immediately, don't worry. If that's still a bad time for you, we can work something out.

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~*Character Sheet*~
Name: Culoris
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Appearance: A young tanned-skinned man with long dark brown-colored hair with spiky ends and dark-blue-colored eyes, wearing nothing but jet-black-colored armor that resembles that of a Darkside, but more armored. He has black-colored gauntlets that have Heartless-like Emblems on it, with rubies on them. He also wears a jet-black-colored cape that looks tattered, giving them a demonic wing-like appearance. He wears a black-colored helmet, which covers his entire face except the end of his hair, that resembles a combination of a Darkside's head and Glauca's mask but more demonic.
Alignment: Darkness
Personality: Culoris is a cruel man who is vengeful against the Light for having turned it's back on him, and is willing to destroy others who are in his way, and won't listen to reason. Despite this, he acknowledges that despite his strength, even he can't afford to waste it when the tide is turned on him, and spares those he finds worthy of his respect in battles. He is malevolent against those who fight for the Light, and is willing to crush any form of resistance against the Darkness if he discovers any. He is collective when making his plans to attack the Vanguard, and is willing to bide his time to strike.
Bio: Culoris is a man who lost his family to Heartless five years ago, which could have been prevented if the Keyblade Wielders who were on his world helped him, but they didn't as they saw their duty in defending the Light more important than his family, making grow angry and vengeful. One day, after his loss, he met someone who granted him power to stand against Keyblade Wielders, and get revenge on the Light. A few months ago, he joined Xehanort to help ensure his plans succeed, and is a commander of his forces. However, his loyalty to Xehanort is questionable, as his motives don't match Xehanort's.
Weapons: A long black-colored sword that resembles that of a masamune, but a bit shorter, and is barbed, and the blade resembles that of one of Young Xehanort's  Ethereal Blades, but demonic and purple-colored. On the bottom of the hilt, a Heartless-like Emblem is seen on it.
Theme song (optional): 

Edited by KHLegendIII

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He slipped inside the cafe to get himself a cup of coffee, though when he returned with it others would probably assume that he'd gotten a "splash of coffee with his cream."  He really couldn't stand straight coffee and had to dilute it tremendously in order to enjoy it.  On his way through the crowd he noticed Seracus, a man with a smile plastered on his face as he watched the group.  "Anyone claimed this seat over here?" he inquired, placing a hand on the chair alongside the Keyblade wielder.  "The name's Skylar, by the way.  I'm assuming that you're joining Vanguard in like?"

Sorry to be a pain, but I think you missed my post where Skylar was talking to Seracus.

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~*Character Sheet*~
Name: Tyler
Gender: Male
Appearance: A young tanned-skinned teenage boy with short light brown hair and dark blue eyes. He wears a platinum-colored t-shirt with a Star-like pattern on it, and wears a grey-colored jacket, and wears a pair of black-colored gloves. He wears black-colored pants and grey-colored shoes. There is armor on the lower leg area of the pants.
Alignment: Light
Personality: He is a cheerful boy who sees the good in everyone, and is straightforward when doing something. He has a sense of justice when it comes to the Keyblade, and understands the need of Balance between Light and Darkness. He likes to make friends with others, and keep their spirits up. He also feels proud to be wielding the Keyblade of the Foreteller of the Leopardos Union.
Bio: Tyler is a young boy who is the apprentice to his father, Thomas, who sent him to help the Worlds, and prevent the Balance of Light and Darkness from getting into disarray. When he was young, He was chosen by a Keyblade tht belonged to the Forteller of the Leopardos Union, which was obtained by his father, which is kept on a wall near the fireplace. The ancient Keyblade chose Tyler due to his strong Heart and his desire to protect all that he cares about, and it chose him, and as a result, Tyler undergone through a lot of training to master the Keyblade that was wielded and left behind by the Foreteller of the Leopardos Union, which he uses to this day.
Weapons: Foreteller_Gula%27s_Keyblade_KHX.png
Theme song (optional): 

Edited by KHLegendIII

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